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Living of Scandinavia

Living of Scandinavia towels
Living of Scandinavia collection

Living of Scandinavia dates back to 1984 and has from the beginning been a well respected brand with beautiful stylish design at affordable prices. In 1984 most products where in the home decor area and high quality clothing. All products such as bed linen and fabrics for clothes was sourced from high quality manufacturers in the European area. Further porcelain products such as tableware was sourced in Italy and Egypt.

As the years has gone by the product line has shifted more to lighting products. We now almost only make lighting production under the Living brand. We have had our own factory in China since 2004 where we produce our Danish Design products. As we have our own factory we can ensure that our products are in the highest possible quality and in modern design based upon current components available such as low power LED lighting parts.

We are currently working hard on new product lines, so stay tuned for that.

In the products area you can see our current collection.

Living of Scandinavia
Living of Scandinavia logo
Living of Scandinavia Ltd., Rm 907, 10-12 Silvercord Tower 2, 30 Canton Rd., Kowloon, Hong Kong, SAR.